Columbia MO Support Groups??

Linda S.
on 2/3/08 3:26 am - Columbia, MO
Hello I am scheduled for surgery on 02/06 @ DePaul in St. Louis. I live in Columbia and would like to know if there is a local support group I can attend? I seen that the University has support groups but I am not sure if the group is open to the public or to their patients only. Any help would be appreciated - I realize support groups are an important part of successful weight loss way of life. I am so thankful for this online support group.
sue latham
on 2/3/08 3:44 am - California, MO
I attended their meetings and was never asked who or where my doctor is. I do know family members are encouraged to attend. So I would conclude this is open. Especially since Dr De La Torre also practices at University of Missouri.  




Columbia Regional Hospital


Conference Center


404 Keene Street


Columbia, MO 65201




Woodrail Center


Missouri Bariatric Services


1000 W. Nifong, Bldg 2,

Ste 210


Columbia, MO 65203">">>

Linda S.
on 2/3/08 3:57 am - Columbia, MO
Thanks Sue. I willl put it on my calender. Is this a group for pre and post op? Is there alot of people that go to this group?
sue latham
on 2/3/08 4:11 am - California, MO
First of all Dr De La Torre is my surgeon too. But my surgery will be at the University of Missouri feb 19.. I get a list each month of five site where they have support groups, I wonly sent you the two in Columbia, Mo. The RailWood one is in the building where Dr. De La Torre has his office with several other doctors.I am from California, Mo which is closer to Jefferson City, so I go there, I'mf finding it hard to drive at night so I have missed several of the inter meetings. I can only tell you about the jefferson City Meetings. Most members bring a support person with them, but now all of them. There is usually from 15 to 30 people. Just the right number to have great discussions.As typical of support groups I usually get as much helpful information from group members as the leaders, not that the leaders are not good, but since I have not had the surgery yet, and have lots of question, I reallly benefited. I also observed the support of the people that had been coming for a long time. If one member had a problem there was real support. It was a good feeling. I would suggest you ask Dr DeLaToore's nurse or call University Bariatics Clinic  573-882-1434. I also find  the clinic web site helpful and the support group page is l,   Nay I put you on my friends list,?   Thanks Sue">">>

Linda S.
on 2/3/08 4:32 am - Columbia, MO
I wish mine was in Columbia. I have UHC insurance and they told me that University of Mo was not a circle of excellence certified so they sent me to DePaul. Everyone is really nice but it would have been nice to have the surgery close to home where all my family and friends are close. Several people I have spoke with have stated that University is a COE but my insurance looked it up and said no - i decided not to argue with them. Besides I might had to start all over with my pre op stuff and did not want to put off the surgery any more than I had too. I am hoping that I can transfer my post appointments to Columbia after the surgery. I do not want to drive back and forth for my follow up appointments - maybe the first 2 appointments but after that I would like to start going here.  Are you getting nerviously excited about your surgery? I know I am. I am diffently ready but scared of the unknown. I have never had major surgery before and have never been put under so that scares me. I have done alot of research so I am prepared for what ever happens. 
(deactivated member)
on 2/3/08 5:37 am - MO

Missouri Bariatrics IS a Center of Excellence. The article can be found on the hospital website: 12.12.07 Spotlight article Anyone can attend the support group meetings. I'm a long way from having surgery, but started going after I went to the seminar. 

The seminar and support group schedule is on the hospital website.

Linda S.
on 2/3/08 5:50 am - Columbia, MO

I read that they were a COE but I got to the point I was tired of trying to convience my insurance that they  were. They were going by their records on file. They told me that my follow up appointments have to be provided by a COE as well. I think I will have to insist at that time University is a COE becuase I really do not want to keep going back and forth to St. Louis expecially if I have ongoing issues. Are you still considering surgery?

(deactivated member)
on 2/3/08 5:54 am - MO

My hope is to have surgery, but I have to meet insurance requirements first.  In March I start the 6 month multidisciplinary medically supervised program through MO Bariatrics.

Linda S.
on 2/3/08 6:31 am - Columbia, MO
I had to go through the same thing - I think most insurance companies require this. Do not worry the 6 months with pass faster than you think. As soon as the insurance got my letter from the doctor I got approved.
sue latham
on 2/3/08 6:26 am - California, MO
University of Missouri just made Circle of excellence just recently. I have MERCY insurance and went through the six month weight loss program too. Had a couple of problems with MERCY so I was so happy to finally get a surgery date.  I wondered why you were going to St Louis. Good luck, I wiil be praying for you and watching for messages from you as you recover. Yes I scared. I had heart surgery two years ago, and a very reough recovery, lots of unusual complications. So Yes I very scared. But I want this surgery and I am keep as positive an outlook as possible. Let me know how it goes I will be only a few weeks behind you.  Best, to you, God be with you, Sue">">>

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